Es Saadi Marrakech Resort

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Palace Es Saadi will be closed for renovations from July 2nd to July 26th.

Fermeture pour travaux

Dear customers,

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your loyalty and ongoing support.

In our constant effort to innovate and provide you with the best experiences, we are delighted to announce upcoming enhancements designed to enrich your stay at Palace Es Saadi:

  • Palace Restaurant and outdoor spaces: We are modernizing these areas to optimize your dining and relaxation moments.
  • Fitness center: Expect new state-of-the-art equipment to support your wellness goals.
  • Spa and changing rooms: Renovations will improve your comfort and privacy.
  • Relaxation areas: New spaces will be created to offer you moments of tranquility and relaxation within the spa.
  • New wellness classes and experiences: We are expanding our range of classes and enhancing our team’s expertise to better support your physical and mental health.

To facilitate these improvements, Palace Es Saadi will be temporarily closed from July 2nd to July 26th. This renovation period will allow us to modernize our facilities and renew our commitment to your comfort and well-being. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and loyalty, and we are confident you will appreciate the enhancements aimed at making your stay at the Palace even more memorable.

We look forward to welcoming you back upon reopening on July 27th and remain available throughout this period to address any inquiries via email at or by phone at +212 (0)5 24 33 74 00.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time. Your satisfaction remains our top priority.

Warm regards,

The Es Saadi Team


We look forward to welcoming you to Es Saadi Marrakech Resort,
where every shared moment is a new story to be told.


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